Top push ad networks

Best Dating Ad Networks in 2024

The Internet notably virtualized relationships between people. Several waves of coronavirus made the picture complete, and the number of hours spent online is constantly increasing. So the number of time men and women spend on online dating eager to meet new partners is also on the rise.

No wonder affiliate marketers who catch profitable trends on the go actively seize the opportunity and successfully launch dating offers. Of course, classic methods of promotion are actively used. But, given the subtleties of the vertical, the main income is hidden in other sources like dating networks for advertisers.

Types of Dating Offers

The variety of dating offers is so wide that any marketer would find a suitable offer to promote. Besides traditional dating sites, there are a lot of sites focused on very specific niches. Among them are country lovers and rock fans, married people and those who want to meet singles, LGBT and so on. A good finding for a marketer would be a new growing business like dating advice and similar.

This extensive range of dating offers means there’s something for every marketer’s strategy.

Mainstream or Adult?

Offers for the dating vertical are divided into two categories: Mainstream and Adult. Shortly: Mainstream targets those who are looking for a long-lasting relationship while Adult dating offers are for individuals interested in having fun (18+ chats, webcams, sex dating, etc.).  

Mainstream is easier to work with, but adult CPA marketing is more profitable. There are some strong tendencies since 2020:

  • Adult offers are dominating the market;
  • the 15-20 years old audience which was too young to target at the beginning of COVID-19 got 18-23 and became active;
  • The LGBT community became a significant part of the audience, especially in English-speaking and Scandinavian countries and Germany.

Payout Models for Dating

The approach you take in launching dating campaigns is heavily influenced by the payout model you choose. There are four main options to consider:

  • SOI (single opt-in) – the conversion is counted when a user makes a simple registration. This model is the most appropriate for beginners;
  • DOI (double opt-in) – you get the conversion when a user not only filled in the registration form but also confirmed it by clicking the link in the received letter;
  • CPA (cost per action) or CPS (cost per sale) – you get your money after a user takes a certain action like buying premium access or filling out a profile. It is the most common payout model;
  • RevShare (Revenue Share) – the most difficult algorithm when a CPA network pays some percent of the income from the particular user. You will have to wait while the user subscribes and resubscribes.

Types of Advertising for Promoting Dating Offers

Affiliates utilize various methods to promote dating offers, and we will focus on the most popular traffic channels, including Google Ads, social media and advertising networks.

Google Ads and social networks

Anyone who are going to promote dating through Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other popular services should be aware that only mainstream dating is allowed there. It is more likely that you will need a pre-landing. And even then your account may appear banned at any moment. One of the causes can be inappropriate keywords like Live Dating App, Live video call app and a bunch of others that lead to account bans.

Though Google states that “some kinds of sexual content in ads and destinations are allowed” the network is more likely to ban your account rather than shows your ads.

Facebook and Instagram may show good results, but the number of limitations is not smaller than in Google Ads. Therefore, it has a greater chance of being banned. At the same time, you can spend even more time launching campaigns. 

Alternative Traffic Sources for Dating 

So what is the solution? To get rid of Google restrictions and social networks time-consumption, you better pay attention to advertising networks providing multiple ad formats.

The list of ad formats for promoting dating offers is quite long:

  • push notifications (classic, in-page, calendar);
  • popunder, clickunder;
  • native;
  • banner;
  • direct click.
Ad formats for dating offers

One of the most popular and fruitful formats is the push advertising. Its effectiveness comes from its nature. A push ad looks like a notification from a messenger and thus appears to be maximally native. This format grabs attention, has high visibility and wide reach. Its model is based on subscription, so push advertisements have high CTR, CR, and ROI. 

Top Dating Push Ad Networks

To purchase dating push traffic, an affiliate should find a suitable advertising network to work with. Or even better, a few of them. An ad network acts as a marketplace where publishers sell their traffic while advertisers buy it to promote their offers. 

Advertising networks don’t have such strict restrictions like Google Ads and social networks, so marketers have much more opportunities to advertise their products. Most advertising networks offering push traffic also provide an opportunity to scale on other formats listed above.

To make your search push traffic easier, we have put together 10 most prosperous dating push networks:

  1. RichAds
  2. PropellerAds
  3. Pushground
  4. ExoClick
  5. EvaDav
  6. AdCash
  7. AdOperator
  8. MyBid
  9. PlugRush
  10. ClickAdilla

1. RichAds

RichAds allows using adult creatives and landing pages without any limitations. The team of this solid network are real experts who know how to deal with the intricacies of all the verticals. And Dating is not an exception.

Protected traffic of high quality, great automation tools and 17+ targeting options are more good reasons to check if this platform meets your needs.

The ad network offers 4 formats: 

  • push ads (including classic push, in-page, and calendar push);
  • popunders;
  • direct-click;
  • native.

RichAds provides its clients with fresh whitelists every day. Targeting “New subscribers only” includes those who subscribed to push ads during the last 7 days ensuring advertisers a highly converting audience.

A great info help is their blog which contains many exhaustive articles about launching Dating worldwide. 

2. PropellerAds

Dating is welcomed by PropellerAds and named as one of its main verticals. Both Mainstream and Adult dating are available. PropellerAds is one more valid network with vast targeting options, reporting and recommendations section. 

A marketer can choose from classic push, in-page push or multiformat campaigns. Be sure to use Traffic Estimator to check if there is enough audience for you. 

PropellerAds provides such a useful tool as the offer optimization. The tool collects information about best working placements for your offer. So, whenever you want to promote it again, it will automatically show it there. It is based on machine learning and real-time analytics. 

3. Pushground

Dating is one of the best-performing verticals for Pushground. Their self-service platform offers instant campaign approval and real-time data aggregation, so you can focus more on creating ads and analyzing your campaigns.

Both classic push and in-page push are available there. iOS Calendar push is also offered by the network. To prevent any fraudulent or bot traffic and ensure the integrity of your campaigns, Pushground is fully integrated with Opticks Security anti-fraud solution.

The network also delivers premium Pushground+ traffic, suitable for only mainstream offers.

4. ExoClick

ExoClick provides dating offers with push traffic coming from two sources – members area traffic and free content sites. Both include traditional push notifications and in-page push ads.

Members area traffic is made from the members of dating sites. Most of them are from tier 1 English speaking countries. Besides push notifications, a marketer can launch popunders and banners, use menu tabs and back button offers on members area traffic.

Free content sites are extremely popular web resources with enormous traffic volumes. After testing the traffic on push ads you can scale on banners, full page interstitial, instant message, native and video formats. 

The network recommends advertisers use dynamic tokens which allow them to show different texts to different subscribers. One more tip to increase conversion rate is to use emoji within the texts.

5. EvaDav

EvaDav highlights in-page push and website push notifications as the top-performing formats for effectively promoting dating offers.

Clients admit user-friendly interface and intuitive layout of reports on the platform. EvaDav support is also very helpful when it comes to network functionality, optimization and traffic suggestions.

You have an opportunity to use over 30 targeting to find the most converting audience for your offer. The user profile also lets you try up to 10 different creatives and choose the best one. 

An anti-fraud system created especially for the EvaDav protects the traffic quality.

6. AdCash

An affiliate marketer can run only in-page push campaigns at Adcash, as there is no classic push traffic here. To reach niche audiences, the network designed website category targeting and user interest targeting.

An advertiser can choose supply sources from a long list of partners and allow or deny traffic from new sources. To optimize the campaign traffic and performance automatically, you can use a target CPA bid type, black- and whitelists. You can also add or exclude device targetings.

For traffic predictions, AdCash adopted the Inventory forecasting tool which estimates the maximum number of impressions a campaign can get depending on all the traffic from the previous day.

7. AdOperator

At AdOperator, dating ranks as one of the highest-performing verticals. The push network boasts an easy registration process, claiming the industry’s quickest approval times. Additionally, it enables you to launch campaigns in just a few minutes, allowing for immediate access to push traffic.

There is also live support through the chat and plenty of useful information and guides on their website, blog and social media. Top clients get a personal manager and access to advanced features. The CPA goal feature helps to achieve KPIs by increasing your reach and therefore sales.

8. MyBid

Both classic push and in-page push traffic are available with this advertising network. And the latter is named as the best ad format not only for the dating offers but also for the other verticals.

Their fundamental distinction is the absence of the self-service option. MyBid team strongly believes in fully managed ad service. From their point of view, launching campaigns with the help of their experts is the only way for the advertisers to get the best campaign results. And their clients indeed claim the MyBid team to be the most supportive and useful 24/7. 

The ad network provides free creatives and promises $0.00003 as the smallest CPC. There are also real-time bidding, campaign management, and reporting among MyBid features. 

9. PlugRush

PlughRush is another advertising network to promote dating offers on push traffic. The network underlines the high demand on it. An advertiser can buy both Mainstream and Adult traffic on a CPC paying model here.

In their dating guide it is pointed out that the image itself should not contain the explicit sexual context, because hardly anyone would like to have such a message popping up on the screen. Anyway, you can design your landing page with nudity.

Use automatic rules to easily optimize your campaigns by Sources, Subsources, Countries, Carriers, Browsers, OS, and Languages. Implement retargeting to return users to your product.

10. ClickAdilla

Dating is the first-rate vertical for ClickAdilla. The network allows Adult content on the landing. While elements of push notifications should be non-adult, the use of soft erotic images is acceptable.

The platform provides 3 types of showing push creatives (icon, title, body and image):

  • Simple – it is when you use only one creative per campaign;
  • Random – means you run several creatives per campaign and subscribers see random ones;
  • Smart – determines the best converting creatives and shows them to the users.  

The network offers classic, in-page and in-app push notifications traffic. It has a 24/7 support team and real-time statistics.

Comparison of Top Dating Push Ad Networks

For those uncertain about which ad network is best suited for their offer, our comparison chart simplifies the decision-making process.

Ad NetworksAd Impressions Minimal depositCost modelsAd FormatsRestrictions or recommendations
5 billion+$100CPC, CPMPush Ads
Calendar push
Direct click
Launch on premium sources
12 billion monthly$200CPC, CPM, CPA Goal, Smart CPMIn-Page Push Notification
Push Ads
Use Traffic Estimator to check the volume of potential audience
1 billion$100CPCPush Ads
Premium traffic is not available for
adult ads
12 billion$200CPC, CPMIn-Page Push Notification
Push Notifications
2 billion+$100CPC, CPMNative
Push Ads
The best ad format for Adult is in-page push
9 billion daily$100CPM, CPC, CPA targetNative
Push Notification
In-Page Push 
Available only for in-page push ads
3 billion$100CPCPush Ads
In-Page Push
5 billion+ monthly$100CPC, CPMPush ads
In-page Push
Fully managed ad service, no self-service option
2 billion+$25CPCPush ads
In-page Push
4,5 billion daily$50CPC, CPM, Smart CPM, CPAPush ads 
Direct Links


Dating has always been and will always be one of the most popular and lucrative vertical in affiliate marketing. Many ad networks even name it as niche #1 due to the demand on such offers and the income from them. So, it is definitely worth spending time on launching campaigns at online dating advertising platforms.

And since dating is not as simple as it may seem, push notifications are really brilliant there. Calendar and in-page formats perfectly complement classic variants of push ads.

Moreover, anyone who wants to get passive income from their web resources can install a piece of code from dating networks for publishers. This will bring them an additional benefit from their users.

All in all, there is no ready-to-use algorithm of choosing the right offer, network, GEO, and payout type. Just keep testing and looking for your own approach. And one day you may awake as one of these lucky guys whose income from dating offers exceeds 50K+ in a month.

The Internet notably virtualized relationships between people. Several waves of coronavirus made the picture complete, and the number of hours spent online is constantly increasing. So the number of time men and women spend on online dating eager to meet new partners is also on the rise.

No wonder affiliate marketers who catch profitable trends on the go actively seize the opportunity and successfully launch dating offers. Of course, classic methods of promotion are actively used. But, given the subtleties of the vertical, the main income is hidden in other sources like dating networks for advertisers.

Types of Dating Offers

The variety of dating offers is so wide that any marketer would find a suitable offer to promote. Besides traditional dating sites, there are a lot of sites focused on very specific niches. Among them are country lovers and rock fans, married people and those who want to meet singles, LGBT and so on. A good finding for a marketer would be a new growing business like dating advice and similar.

This extensive range of dating offers means there’s something for every marketer’s strategy.

Mainstream or Adult?

Offers for the dating vertical are divided into two categories: Mainstream and Adult. Shortly: Mainstream targets those who are looking for a long-lasting relationship while Adult dating offers are for individuals interested in having fun (18+ chats, webcams, sex dating, etc.).  

Mainstream is easier to work with, but adult CPA marketing is more profitable. There are some strong tendencies since 2020:

  • Adult offers are dominating the market;
  • the 15-20 years old audience which was too young to target at the beginning of COVID-19 got 18-23 and became active;
  • The LGBT community became a significant part of the audience, especially in English-speaking and Scandinavian countries and Germany.

Payout Models for Dating

The approach you take in launching dating campaigns is heavily influenced by the payout model you choose. There are four main options to consider:

  • SOI (single opt-in) – the conversion is counted when a user makes a simple registration. This model is the most appropriate for beginners;
  • DOI (double opt-in) – you get the conversion when a user not only filled in the registration form but also confirmed it by clicking the link in the received letter;
  • CPA (cost per action) or CPS (cost per sale) – you get your money after a user takes a certain action like buying premium access or filling out a profile. It is the most common payout model;
  • RevShare (Revenue Share) – the most difficult algorithm when a CPA network pays some percent of the income from the particular user. You will have to wait while the user subscribes and resubscribes.

Types of Advertising for Promoting Dating Offers

Affiliates utilize various methods to promote dating offers, and we will focus on the most popular traffic channels, including Google Ads, social media and advertising networks.

Google Ads and social networks

Anyone who are going to promote dating through Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other popular services should be aware that only mainstream dating is allowed there. It is more likely that you will need a pre-landing. And even then your account may appear banned at any moment. One of the causes can be inappropriate keywords like Live Dating App, Live video call app and a bunch of others that lead to account bans.

Though Google states that “some kinds of sexual content in ads and destinations are allowed” the network is more likely to ban your account rather than shows your ads.

Facebook and Instagram may show good results, but the number of limitations is not smaller than in Google Ads. Therefore, it has a greater chance of being banned. At the same time, you can spend even more time launching campaigns. 

Alternative Traffic Sources for Dating 

So what is the solution? To get rid of Google restrictions and social networks time-consumption, you better pay attention to advertising networks providing multiple ad formats.

The list of ad formats for promoting dating offers is quite long:

  • push notifications (classic, in-page, calendar);
  • popunder, clickunder;
  • native;
  • banner;
  • direct click.
Ad formats for dating offers

One of the most popular and fruitful formats is the push advertising. Its effectiveness comes from its nature. A push ad looks like a notification from a messenger and thus appears to be maximally native. This format grabs attention, has high visibility and wide reach. Its model is based on subscription, so push advertisements have high CTR, CR, and ROI. 

Top Dating Push Ad Networks

To purchase dating push traffic, an affiliate should find a suitable advertising network to work with. Or even better, a few of them. An ad network acts as a marketplace where publishers sell their traffic while advertisers buy it to promote their offers. 

Advertising networks don’t have such strict restrictions like Google Ads and social networks, so marketers have much more opportunities to advertise their products. Most advertising networks offering push traffic also provide an opportunity to scale on other formats listed above.

To make your search push traffic easier, we have put together 10 most prosperous dating push networks:

  1. RichAds
  2. PropellerAds
  3. Pushground
  4. ExoClick
  5. EvaDav
  6. AdCash
  7. AdOperator
  8. MyBid
  9. PlugRush
  10. ClickAdilla

1. RichAds

RichAds allows using adult creatives and landing pages without any limitations. The team of this solid network are real experts who know how to deal with the intricacies of all the verticals. And Dating is not an exception.

Protected traffic of high quality, great automation tools and 17+ targeting options are more good reasons to check if this platform meets your needs.

The ad network offers 4 formats: 

  • push ads (including classic push, in-page, and calendar push);
  • popunders;
  • direct-click;
  • native.

RichAds provides its clients with fresh whitelists every day. Targeting “New subscribers only” includes those who subscribed to push ads during the last 7 days ensuring advertisers a highly converting audience.

A great info help is their blog which contains many exhaustive articles about launching Dating worldwide. 

2. PropellerAds

Dating is welcomed by PropellerAds and named as one of its main verticals. Both Mainstream and Adult dating are available. PropellerAds is one more valid network with vast targeting options, reporting and recommendations section. 

A marketer can choose from classic push, in-page push or multiformat campaigns. Be sure to use Traffic Estimator to check if there is enough audience for you. 

PropellerAds provides such a useful tool as the offer optimization. The tool collects information about best working placements for your offer. So, whenever you want to promote it again, it will automatically show it there. It is based on machine learning and real-time analytics. 

3. Pushground

Dating is one of the best-performing verticals for Pushground. Their self-service platform offers instant campaign approval and real-time data aggregation, so you can focus more on creating ads and analyzing your campaigns.

Both classic push and in-page push are available there. iOS Calendar push is also offered by the network. To prevent any fraudulent or bot traffic and ensure the integrity of your campaigns, Pushground is fully integrated with Opticks Security anti-fraud solution.

The network also delivers premium Pushground+ traffic, suitable for only mainstream offers.

4. ExoClick

ExoClick provides dating offers with push traffic coming from two sources – members area traffic and free content sites. Both include traditional push notifications and in-page push ads.

Members area traffic is made from the members of dating sites. Most of them are from tier 1 English speaking countries. Besides push notifications, a marketer can launch popunders and banners, use menu tabs and back button offers on members area traffic.

Free content sites are extremely popular web resources with enormous traffic volumes. After testing the traffic on push ads you can scale on banners, full page interstitial, instant message, native and video formats. 

The network recommends advertisers use dynamic tokens which allow them to show different texts to different subscribers. One more tip to increase conversion rate is to use emoji within the texts.

5. EvaDav

EvaDav highlights in-page push and website push notifications as the top-performing formats for effectively promoting dating offers.

Clients admit user-friendly interface and intuitive layout of reports on the platform. EvaDav support is also very helpful when it comes to network functionality, optimization and traffic suggestions.

You have an opportunity to use over 30 targeting to find the most converting audience for your offer. The user profile also lets you try up to 10 different creatives and choose the best one. 

An anti-fraud system created especially for the EvaDav protects the traffic quality.

6. AdCash

An affiliate marketer can run only in-page push campaigns at Adcash, as there is no classic push traffic here. To reach niche audiences, the network designed website category targeting and user interest targeting.

An advertiser can choose supply sources from a long list of partners and allow or deny traffic from new sources. To optimize the campaign traffic and performance automatically, you can use a target CPA bid type, black- and whitelists. You can also add or exclude device targetings.

For traffic predictions, AdCash adopted the Inventory forecasting tool which estimates the maximum number of impressions a campaign can get depending on all the traffic from the previous day.

7. AdOperator

At AdOperator, dating ranks as one of the highest-performing verticals. The push network boasts an easy registration process, claiming the industry’s quickest approval times. Additionally, it enables you to launch campaigns in just a few minutes, allowing for immediate access to push traffic.

There is also live support through the chat and plenty of useful information and guides on their website, blog and social media. Top clients get a personal manager and access to advanced features. The CPA goal feature helps to achieve KPIs by increasing your reach and therefore sales.

8. MyBid

Both classic push and in-page push traffic are available with this advertising network. And the latter is named as the best ad format not only for the dating offers but also for the other verticals.

Their fundamental distinction is the absence of the self-service option. MyBid team strongly believes in fully managed ad service. From their point of view, launching campaigns with the help of their experts is the only way for the advertisers to get the best campaign results. And their clients indeed claim the MyBid team to be the most supportive and useful 24/7. 

The ad network provides free creatives and promises $0.00003 as the smallest CPC. There are also real-time bidding, campaign management, and reporting among MyBid features. 

9. PlugRush

PlughRush is another advertising network to promote dating offers on push traffic. The network underlines the high demand on it. An advertiser can buy both Mainstream and Adult traffic on a CPC paying model here.

In their dating guide it is pointed out that the image itself should not contain the explicit sexual context, because hardly anyone would like to have such a message popping up on the screen. Anyway, you can design your landing page with nudity.

Use automatic rules to easily optimize your campaigns by Sources, Subsources, Countries, Carriers, Browsers, OS, and Languages. Implement retargeting to return users to your product.

10. ClickAdilla

Dating is the first-rate vertical for ClickAdilla. The network allows Adult content on the landing. While elements of push notifications should be non-adult, the use of soft erotic images is acceptable.

The platform provides 3 types of showing push creatives (icon, title, body and image):

  • Simple – it is when you use only one creative per campaign;
  • Random – means you run several creatives per campaign and subscribers see random ones;
  • Smart – determines the best converting creatives and shows them to the users.  

The network offers classic, in-page and in-app push notifications traffic. It has a 24/7 support team and real-time statistics.

Comparison of Top Dating Push Ad Networks

For those uncertain about which ad network is best suited for their offer, our comparison chart simplifies the decision-making process.

Ad NetworksAd Impressions Minimal depositCost modelsAd FormatsRestrictions or recommendations
5 billion+$100CPC, CPMPush Ads
Calendar push
Direct click
Launch on premium sources
12 billion monthly$200CPC, CPM, CPA Goal, Smart CPMIn-Page Push Notification
Push Ads
Use Traffic Estimator to check the volume of potential audience
1 billion$100CPCPush Ads
Premium traffic is not available for
adult ads
12 billion$200CPC, CPMIn-Page Push Notification
Push Notifications
2 billion+$100CPC, CPMNative
Push Ads
The best ad format for Adult is in-page push
9 billion daily$100CPM, CPC, CPA targetNative
Push Notification
In-Page Push 
Available only for in-page push ads
3 billion$100CPCPush Ads
In-Page Push
5 billion+ monthly$100CPC, CPMPush ads
In-page Push
Fully managed ad service, no self-service option
2 billion+$25CPCPush ads
In-page Push
4,5 billion daily$50CPC, CPM, Smart CPM, CPAPush ads 
Direct Links


Dating has always been and will always be one of the most popular and lucrative vertical in affiliate marketing. Many ad networks even name it as niche #1 due to the demand on such offers and the income from them. So, it is definitely worth spending time on launching campaigns at online dating advertising platforms.

And since dating is not as simple as it may seem, push notifications are really brilliant there. Calendar and in-page formats perfectly complement classic variants of push ads.

Moreover, anyone who wants to get passive income from their web resources can install a piece of code from dating networks for publishers. This will bring them an additional benefit from their users.

All in all, there is no ready-to-use algorithm of choosing the right offer, network, GEO, and payout type. Just keep testing and looking for your own approach. And one day you may awake as one of these lucky guys whose income from dating offers exceeds 50K+ in a month.