Top push ad networks

How to Run Dating Push Traffic: Step-by-Step Push Ad Guide

Affiliate marketers have long turned to dating offers for consistent and lucrative results, but success in lead generation relies heavily on choosing the right traffic sources and strategies. Push ads have become a go-to for dating traffic campaigns due to their versatility, high user engagement, and cost-effectiveness. 

This step-by-step guide will show you how to effectively run dating push traffic campaigns, including tips on finding creatives, types of traffic, key features of push traffic for dating offers, and more.

1. Understand Dating Offers in Affiliate Marketing: Mainstream vs. 18+

Dating traffic typically falls into two dating niches: mainstream and 18+ adult dating.

  • Mainstream dating targets a broader audience, often promoting general dating services or apps for people looking for serious relationships, casual connections, or friendships. Offers in this category are usually suitable for wider demographics and less restricted in terms of advertising compliance.
  • 18+ Adult dating offers are more explicit and require careful consideration due to stricter advertising rules and sensitive targeting. These are often higher converting because of the niche audience, but they also require more refined traffic sources and creatives.

Adult dating traffic requires a specific approach to generating. Read our guide on adult advertising to learn more about driving 18+ dating traffic.

2. Find Creatives for High-Converting Dating Push Traffic

Finding the right dating push ad creatives is essential for the success of your dating push traffic campaign. Since push ads rely heavily on visual elements to capture attention, your creatives must be engaging and well-targeted.

Here’s where to source them:

  • Spy Tools. Platforms like Adplexity or Anstrex allow you to monitor successful dating campaigns and get inspiration for creatives. You can filter by vertical, geo, and device to see what works for other affiliates. Check out the best spy tool software in our blog article;
  • Network creative galleries. Some networks provide ready-made creatives for affiliates. RichAds, for instance, offers push ad creatives tailored to high-converting offers.
  • Freelance designers. If you prefer unique creatives, hire a designer from platforms like Fiverr or Upwork who specializes in push ads.

Additionally, pre-landings and landing pages play a critical role in the conversion funnel for generating dating traffic. A well-designed pre-lander warms up the user, while the landing page seals the deal, ensuring a smooth and persuasive journey. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to optimize pre-landings and landing pages for dating offers, check out our article on this topic for further insights!

Tips for creating effective creatives:

  • Use curiosity-inducing images. Blurred faces, silhouettes, or suggestive elements work well for Dating;
  • Short, enticing copy. Headlines should be personal and trigger curiosity, like “You have a new match waiting!” or “Singles in your area are looking for you!”

3. Best Sources for Dating Push Notification Traffic

To effectively generate push traffic for dating offers, it’s crucial to identify and utilize the right traffic sources. These include push ad networks, social media channels, and dating apps.

1. Social media platforms

Social media provides massive reach and robust targeting options, making it a powerful tool for dating campaigns:

  • Facebook. Ideal for mainstream dating offers, Facebook’s detailed targeting helps you pinpoint the right audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Instagram. Perfect for visual campaigns and influencer marketing, Instagram reaches a younger, more engaged audience through eye-catching visuals and stories.
  • YouTube. Video content performs exceptionally well for dating offers, whether through ads, testimonials, or engaging tutorials.
  • Reddit. With dedicated dating communities and subreddits, Reddit offers the chance to engage niche audiences through tailored ads and community participation.

2. Dating push ad networks for affiliate marketers

Specialized dating ad networks are invaluable for affiliate marketers promoting dating offers. These networks provide access to traffic sources that are pre-qualified, making them highly effective for targeting audiences interested in both mainstream and adult dating. Below are detailed descriptions of some of the most reliable networks for driving the best push traffic for dating.

  1. ExoClick

ExoClick is one of the largest ad networks in the adult and mainstream dating industry. It offers a variety of ad formats, including push notifications, popunders, native ads, and banners, which makes it highly versatile for different types of dating offers.

  • Member area traffic. A standout feature of ExoClick is its member area traffic, which allows advertisers to place ads in the logged-in sections of dating websites. This traffic is highly engaged since the users are actively participating in dating platforms, resulting in higher conversion rates for dating offers;
  • Advanced targeting. ExoClick provides detailed targeting options, allowing advertisers to fine-tune their campaigns by selecting user age, gender, device, and geo-location. For adult dating offers, this network also provides an option to target users based on niche interests, ensuring precise audience matching;
  • High GEO reach. ExoClick is particularly strong in Tier 1 countries such as the US, UK, and Canada, which are prime geos for dating traffic. However, they also perform well in Tier 2 and Tier 3 regions, offering a balanced traffic mix;
  • Ad formats. ExoClick supports several high-converting ad formats for dating offers, including push notifications, popunders, banners, and native ads. The variety of formats gives advertisers flexibility in optimizing their campaigns.

Overall, ExoClick’s vast inventory of adult and mainstream dating traffic, combined with its robust targeting features, makes it one of the top choices for dating affiliate marketers.

  1. EvaDav

EvaDav is an ad network known for its focus on push and in-page push notifications, making it an excellent platform for dating offers. EvaDav provides a user-friendly interface with highly customizable targeting and reporting tools.

  • In-page push. EvaDav specializes in in-page push notifications, which are effective for both desktop and mobile campaigns. These notifications mimic traditional push notifications but don’t require users to opt-in, giving advertisers more reach and visibility. This format is ideal for engaging audiences in the dating niche, as it offers an immediate and direct way to capture user attention;
  • Targeting flexibility. EvaDav’s advanced targeting options allow advertisers to target users based on factors like device, browser, country, and even user activity history. This flexibility is especially useful for running segmented campaigns in both mainstream and adult dating verticals;
  • Anti-fraud protection. One of EvaDav’s standout features is its anti-fraud system, which ensures that advertisers receive only high-quality traffic. For dating offers, this is crucial since maintaining high traffic quality is essential for conversions and long-term campaign success;
  • Multiple creative variations. EvaDav allows advertisers to test up to 10 different creative variations within a single campaign, ensuring that affiliates can optimize performance and increase CTR by determining the best-performing creatives.

With its emphasis on push notifications for Dating, EvaDav is particularly effective for affiliate marketers looking to run high-impact campaigns with advanced segmentation and creative flexibility.

  1. RichAds

RichAds is a powerful, self-serve advertising platform designed for scaling campaigns, particularly in high-performing verticals like dating, gambling, and antivirus. With more than 5 billion impressions available daily across 200+ geos, RichAds offers several standout features that make it a go-to network for affiliate marketers.

Ad formats and traffic types:

RichAds supports a wide variety of ad formats, including:

  • Push Ads (classic, in-page, and calendar push);
  • Popunder;
  • Direct сlick;
  • Native ads.

This diversity allows advertisers to test and scale across different channels for maximum performance.

RichAds features:

One of RichAds’ most valuable features is Target CPA. This optimization tool automatically identifies the best-performing sources, focusing ad spend on traffic that converts, which helps reduce the overall cost per acquisition (CPA) and maximize conversions. Target CPA allows you to set a budget and desired CPA, and the system continuously optimizes your bids.

Another flagship feature is Performance Mode, which automates the optimization process. It generates dynamic block- and whitelists based on real-time performance, allowing campaigns to consistently target high-quality traffic without manual effort. This mode can reduce CPA by up to 79% and increase conversion rates by 253%, making it ideal for high-ROI dating campaigns​(

Additional features:

  • Optimizer. This feature lets you manage publisher whitelists/blacklists directly from the statistics page, making real-time adjustments easy;
  • Predictor. Provides insights into traffic volumes and expected performance, allowing marketers to forecast results before launching a campaign​.

With advanced tools like Target CPA and Performance Mode, RichAds is a highly effective platform for running profitable and scalable dating traffic campaigns. For more details about the top dating traffic sources for Push, check out our full article on AllPushNetworks!

4. Targeting Options: Choosing the Right Audience to Promote Dating

Proper targeting is the key to ensuring that your push ads convert well. Dating campaigns need precise targeting to capture the right audience and avoid wasted ad spend.

1. Demographics

This targeting is relevant for social media networks. For mainstream dating offers on social media, you’ll want to target people based on age, gender, and relationship status. Keep in mind that age groups between 25-40 tend to respond better to dating ads.

2. GEOs

Dating offers tend to perform better in Tier 1 countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and parts of Europe. However, there is also demand for dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries, especially for more niche adult offers.

3. Device targeting

Push ads perform differently on mobile vs. desktop. Mobile users tend to engage better with dating ads, but depending on your offer and GEO, it’s worth testing both.

5. Optimization of Your Push Dating Ad Campaign

Optimization is a continuous process when running push traffic campaigns. 

Use the following strategies to ensure the best performance:

  • A/B testing. Run multiple creatives and test variations in copy, images, and targeting. Sometimes a small tweak, like changing a headline or adjusting targeting, can result in a big difference in performance;
  • Bid optimization. Push ad networks operate on a bidding system. If your campaign isn’t receiving enough impressions or conversions, you may need to increase your bid. Keep an eye on your CTR (Click-Through Rate) and adjust your bids to stay competitive;
  • Traffic source testing. Start by testing a few different traffic sources. For example, try both premium and mid-tier traffic to see which yields the best results for your dating offer;
  • Creatives testing. Beyond A/B testing, it’s essential to frequently test new creative elements. For dating offers, user preferences can shift rapidly, so rotating new creatives – such as images, ad copy, and call-to-actions – keeps your ads fresh. Experiment with different styles of images to determine what gets the best engagement for your target audience. 

Best practices for promoting dating offers with push notifications:

Especially when working with adult dating offers, compliance with the advertising guidelines of your traffic source is crucial. Push networks often have strict rules on adult content, so always ensure that your ads meet the platform’s criteria to avoid being banned or restricted.

  1. Avoid misleading ads. Ensure that your ads are transparent and do not promise unrealistic outcomes, as this could lead to high bounce rates or even account suspension;
  2. Ad frequency capping. Dating offers can sometimes feel spammy if overused. Use frequency capping to control how often a user sees your ad. Keeping it at 1-2 times per day ensures that the audience doesn’t experience ad fatigue;
  3. Increase traffic volume gradually. Start by increasing your daily budget or expanding into new GEOs. Ensure that the traffic quality remains high as you scale;
  4. Use lookalike audiences. If the network offers audience-building tools, leverage them to create lookalike audiences based on your top converters. This will allow you to scale without diluting the quality of your traffic.

Final Thoughts on Dating Ad Push Traffic 

Running dating push traffic campaigns can be incredibly rewarding when done right. By sourcing the right creatives, focusing on high-quality traffic sources, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can generate consistent profits in the dating niche. Promote dating offers with push ads, and make sure to use premium traffic sources, test creatives rigorously, and always follow compliance guidelines to achieve the best results.


Anna Mardas
Anna Mardas brought together her background as a copywriter in digital marketing. Now, she's got a solid grasp on affiliate marketing, especially when it comes to understanding the following niches: Gambling, Adult, Dating, Sweepstakes and Crypto. Anna stands out for her thorough research and insightful reviews of ad networks, offering her readers valuable knowledge.

Affiliate marketers have long turned to dating offers for consistent and lucrative results, but success in lead generation relies heavily on choosing the right traffic sources and strategies. Push ads have become a go-to for dating traffic campaigns due to their versatility, high user engagement, and cost-effectiveness. 

This step-by-step guide will show you how to effectively run dating push traffic campaigns, including tips on finding creatives, types of traffic, key features of push traffic for dating offers, and more.

1. Understand Dating Offers in Affiliate Marketing: Mainstream vs. 18+

Dating traffic typically falls into two dating niches: mainstream and 18+ adult dating.

  • Mainstream dating targets a broader audience, often promoting general dating services or apps for people looking for serious relationships, casual connections, or friendships. Offers in this category are usually suitable for wider demographics and less restricted in terms of advertising compliance.
  • 18+ Adult dating offers are more explicit and require careful consideration due to stricter advertising rules and sensitive targeting. These are often higher converting because of the niche audience, but they also require more refined traffic sources and creatives.

Adult dating traffic requires a specific approach to generating. Read our guide on adult advertising to learn more about driving 18+ dating traffic.

2. Find Creatives for High-Converting Dating Push Traffic

Finding the right dating push ad creatives is essential for the success of your dating push traffic campaign. Since push ads rely heavily on visual elements to capture attention, your creatives must be engaging and well-targeted.

Here’s where to source them:

  • Spy Tools. Platforms like Adplexity or Anstrex allow you to monitor successful dating campaigns and get inspiration for creatives. You can filter by vertical, geo, and device to see what works for other affiliates. Check out the best spy tool software in our blog article;
  • Network creative galleries. Some networks provide ready-made creatives for affiliates. RichAds, for instance, offers push ad creatives tailored to high-converting offers.
  • Freelance designers. If you prefer unique creatives, hire a designer from platforms like Fiverr or Upwork who specializes in push ads.

Additionally, pre-landings and landing pages play a critical role in the conversion funnel for generating dating traffic. A well-designed pre-lander warms up the user, while the landing page seals the deal, ensuring a smooth and persuasive journey. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to optimize pre-landings and landing pages for dating offers, check out our article on this topic for further insights!

Tips for creating effective creatives:

  • Use curiosity-inducing images. Blurred faces, silhouettes, or suggestive elements work well for Dating;
  • Short, enticing copy. Headlines should be personal and trigger curiosity, like “You have a new match waiting!” or “Singles in your area are looking for you!”

3. Best Sources for Dating Push Notification Traffic

To effectively generate push traffic for dating offers, it’s crucial to identify and utilize the right traffic sources. These include push ad networks, social media channels, and dating apps.

1. Social media platforms

Social media provides massive reach and robust targeting options, making it a powerful tool for dating campaigns:

  • Facebook. Ideal for mainstream dating offers, Facebook’s detailed targeting helps you pinpoint the right audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Instagram. Perfect for visual campaigns and influencer marketing, Instagram reaches a younger, more engaged audience through eye-catching visuals and stories.
  • YouTube. Video content performs exceptionally well for dating offers, whether through ads, testimonials, or engaging tutorials.
  • Reddit. With dedicated dating communities and subreddits, Reddit offers the chance to engage niche audiences through tailored ads and community participation.

2. Dating push ad networks for affiliate marketers

Specialized dating ad networks are invaluable for affiliate marketers promoting dating offers. These networks provide access to traffic sources that are pre-qualified, making them highly effective for targeting audiences interested in both mainstream and adult dating. Below are detailed descriptions of some of the most reliable networks for driving the best push traffic for dating.

  1. ExoClick

ExoClick is one of the largest ad networks in the adult and mainstream dating industry. It offers a variety of ad formats, including push notifications, popunders, native ads, and banners, which makes it highly versatile for different types of dating offers.

  • Member area traffic. A standout feature of ExoClick is its member area traffic, which allows advertisers to place ads in the logged-in sections of dating websites. This traffic is highly engaged since the users are actively participating in dating platforms, resulting in higher conversion rates for dating offers;
  • Advanced targeting. ExoClick provides detailed targeting options, allowing advertisers to fine-tune their campaigns by selecting user age, gender, device, and geo-location. For adult dating offers, this network also provides an option to target users based on niche interests, ensuring precise audience matching;
  • High GEO reach. ExoClick is particularly strong in Tier 1 countries such as the US, UK, and Canada, which are prime geos for dating traffic. However, they also perform well in Tier 2 and Tier 3 regions, offering a balanced traffic mix;
  • Ad formats. ExoClick supports several high-converting ad formats for dating offers, including push notifications, popunders, banners, and native ads. The variety of formats gives advertisers flexibility in optimizing their campaigns.

Overall, ExoClick’s vast inventory of adult and mainstream dating traffic, combined with its robust targeting features, makes it one of the top choices for dating affiliate marketers.

  1. EvaDav

EvaDav is an ad network known for its focus on push and in-page push notifications, making it an excellent platform for dating offers. EvaDav provides a user-friendly interface with highly customizable targeting and reporting tools.

  • In-page push. EvaDav specializes in in-page push notifications, which are effective for both desktop and mobile campaigns. These notifications mimic traditional push notifications but don’t require users to opt-in, giving advertisers more reach and visibility. This format is ideal for engaging audiences in the dating niche, as it offers an immediate and direct way to capture user attention;
  • Targeting flexibility. EvaDav’s advanced targeting options allow advertisers to target users based on factors like device, browser, country, and even user activity history. This flexibility is especially useful for running segmented campaigns in both mainstream and adult dating verticals;
  • Anti-fraud protection. One of EvaDav’s standout features is its anti-fraud system, which ensures that advertisers receive only high-quality traffic. For dating offers, this is crucial since maintaining high traffic quality is essential for conversions and long-term campaign success;
  • Multiple creative variations. EvaDav allows advertisers to test up to 10 different creative variations within a single campaign, ensuring that affiliates can optimize performance and increase CTR by determining the best-performing creatives.

With its emphasis on push notifications for Dating, EvaDav is particularly effective for affiliate marketers looking to run high-impact campaigns with advanced segmentation and creative flexibility.

  1. RichAds

RichAds is a powerful, self-serve advertising platform designed for scaling campaigns, particularly in high-performing verticals like dating, gambling, and antivirus. With more than 5 billion impressions available daily across 200+ geos, RichAds offers several standout features that make it a go-to network for affiliate marketers.

Ad formats and traffic types:

RichAds supports a wide variety of ad formats, including:

  • Push Ads (classic, in-page, and calendar push);
  • Popunder;
  • Direct сlick;
  • Native ads.

This diversity allows advertisers to test and scale across different channels for maximum performance.

RichAds features:

One of RichAds’ most valuable features is Target CPA. This optimization tool automatically identifies the best-performing sources, focusing ad spend on traffic that converts, which helps reduce the overall cost per acquisition (CPA) and maximize conversions. Target CPA allows you to set a budget and desired CPA, and the system continuously optimizes your bids.

Another flagship feature is Performance Mode, which automates the optimization process. It generates dynamic block- and whitelists based on real-time performance, allowing campaigns to consistently target high-quality traffic without manual effort. This mode can reduce CPA by up to 79% and increase conversion rates by 253%, making it ideal for high-ROI dating campaigns​(

Additional features:

  • Optimizer. This feature lets you manage publisher whitelists/blacklists directly from the statistics page, making real-time adjustments easy;
  • Predictor. Provides insights into traffic volumes and expected performance, allowing marketers to forecast results before launching a campaign​.

With advanced tools like Target CPA and Performance Mode, RichAds is a highly effective platform for running profitable and scalable dating traffic campaigns. For more details about the top dating traffic sources for Push, check out our full article on AllPushNetworks!

4. Targeting Options: Choosing the Right Audience to Promote Dating

Proper targeting is the key to ensuring that your push ads convert well. Dating campaigns need precise targeting to capture the right audience and avoid wasted ad spend.

1. Demographics

This targeting is relevant for social media networks. For mainstream dating offers on social media, you’ll want to target people based on age, gender, and relationship status. Keep in mind that age groups between 25-40 tend to respond better to dating ads.

2. GEOs

Dating offers tend to perform better in Tier 1 countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and parts of Europe. However, there is also demand for dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries, especially for more niche adult offers.

3. Device targeting

Push ads perform differently on mobile vs. desktop. Mobile users tend to engage better with dating ads, but depending on your offer and GEO, it’s worth testing both.

5. Optimization of Your Push Dating Ad Campaign

Optimization is a continuous process when running push traffic campaigns. 

Use the following strategies to ensure the best performance:

  • A/B testing. Run multiple creatives and test variations in copy, images, and targeting. Sometimes a small tweak, like changing a headline or adjusting targeting, can result in a big difference in performance;
  • Bid optimization. Push ad networks operate on a bidding system. If your campaign isn’t receiving enough impressions or conversions, you may need to increase your bid. Keep an eye on your CTR (Click-Through Rate) and adjust your bids to stay competitive;
  • Traffic source testing. Start by testing a few different traffic sources. For example, try both premium and mid-tier traffic to see which yields the best results for your dating offer;
  • Creatives testing. Beyond A/B testing, it’s essential to frequently test new creative elements. For dating offers, user preferences can shift rapidly, so rotating new creatives – such as images, ad copy, and call-to-actions – keeps your ads fresh. Experiment with different styles of images to determine what gets the best engagement for your target audience. 

Best practices for promoting dating offers with push notifications:

Especially when working with adult dating offers, compliance with the advertising guidelines of your traffic source is crucial. Push networks often have strict rules on adult content, so always ensure that your ads meet the platform’s criteria to avoid being banned or restricted.

  1. Avoid misleading ads. Ensure that your ads are transparent and do not promise unrealistic outcomes, as this could lead to high bounce rates or even account suspension;
  2. Ad frequency capping. Dating offers can sometimes feel spammy if overused. Use frequency capping to control how often a user sees your ad. Keeping it at 1-2 times per day ensures that the audience doesn’t experience ad fatigue;
  3. Increase traffic volume gradually. Start by increasing your daily budget or expanding into new GEOs. Ensure that the traffic quality remains high as you scale;
  4. Use lookalike audiences. If the network offers audience-building tools, leverage them to create lookalike audiences based on your top converters. This will allow you to scale without diluting the quality of your traffic.

Final Thoughts on Dating Ad Push Traffic 

Running dating push traffic campaigns can be incredibly rewarding when done right. By sourcing the right creatives, focusing on high-quality traffic sources, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can generate consistent profits in the dating niche. Promote dating offers with push ads, and make sure to use premium traffic sources, test creatives rigorously, and always follow compliance guidelines to achieve the best results.


Anna Mardas
Anna Mardas brought together her background as a copywriter in digital marketing. Now, she's got a solid grasp on affiliate marketing, especially when it comes to understanding the following niches: Gambling, Adult, Dating, Sweepstakes and Crypto. Anna stands out for her thorough research and insightful reviews of ad networks, offering her readers valuable knowledge.

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